NEWS RELEASE – Hubertus American Legion Post 522
Hubertus, WI
Local American Legion Post offers Veterans Day opportunity to hear the story of Wisconsin’s Forgotten WWII
Hero, Lt Karl Kellner. Post 522 will host this unique presentation by Military Historian, Researcher, and Storyteller/Presenter Tim Yauck on Sunday October 24 at 1 PM at the Post (3590 North Shore Drive, Hubertus, WI) .
Tim Yauck is driven to keep Lt Kellner’s story alive and he does it through though an exciting, multi-media approach which includes Karl’s actual medals and letters. Lt Kel ner was a tank commander, killed in action in 1945 in the battle of Cologne, Germany. His story of selfless courage and sacrifice for our freedoms is truly inspiring. This 90-minute step back in time is designed to honor all those who sacrificed, or who were(and are) willing to sacrifice their lives for our country.
We invite veterans and non-veterans alike to attend this awesome event. This event is open to the public.
No admission will be charged, bur seating is extremely limited for this Veterans Day presentation and will fil up quickly. It is absolutely necessary to RSVP as soon as possible to Mike Grimm, 414-852-3972, (email) mgrimm3@wi.rr.com, Or, see Upcoming Events on our website, Hubertuspost522.org.
1) When: Sunday 10/24/21; 1:00 PM (2d date TBD)
2) Where: Hubertus Post 522 Gib and Rosie Schmitt Hall
3) Who: Tim Yauck : Military Researcher, Historian, Storyteller/Presenter. Member of Post 522. Tim and his family have gathered extensive information on the personal and military life of WWII Tank Commander Lt. Karl Kellner of Sheboygan, WI. He is dedicated to his motto “Do not let these stories die” which he shares with his personal friend and best-selling novelist, Daniel Makos.
4) What: Presentation of the story of local Wisconsin WWII war hero Carl Kellner, and how the memory of his supreme sacrifice to our country is fading. Karl is a symbol of all who served in the US military to protect our freedoms. This story tells of the importance of remembering all our veterans.
5) Agenda:
12:00 PM Post Open
– Bar not open to public
– Cookies/coffee available from Auxiliary (?)
1:00 Announcements
1:05 Introductions of honored guests
1:15 Introduction of Tim Yauck and Presentation
2:45 Question/Answer